Summer Image

After 10 years of shooting professional photography I've finally set up a site where I can blog about my photoshoots.
I love doing them and hope you'll enjoy viewing them.
Visit the following link for my website.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Sam & Chelseanne

These two are finally tying the knot (even if he is leaving her for the summer for an intership in Washington DC. Love knows no bounds right :) I saw this location in a few pictures and thought I would track it down. It's in the middle of Salt Lake City and if you blink you might miss it. Lucky for us-- we found it! If I had two letters to describe this couple it would be "GQ." They were great models. Every pose came so naturally to them. Kiddies-- I'll shoot your pictures anytime!

ps I can call em kiddies cause when I met Chelsea, 10 years ago, she was just a kid ;)

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