Summer Image

After 10 years of shooting professional photography I've finally set up a site where I can blog about my photoshoots.
I love doing them and hope you'll enjoy viewing them.
Visit the following link for my website.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Brody & Family

So you guessed it. Another newborn shoot!  It's pouring newborns!  Doesn't this blog just make you want to go out and make/have one ;)  OK, I'll behave, my hubby would give me a look for that one.  Back to the sitting. The baby pictured in this photo shoot just happens to be my baby's best friend (or is that my best friends baby, I can't ever keep it straight).  Brody is a doll and a part of a really cute family. So I've included a few shots of his family that I took along with his newborn sitting. This sitting was full of fun and trauma. The fun was the baby and his toddler brothers who couldn't but help get in the pictures.  The trauma was afterwards when their mom found a paint bucket, which was bumped by one of the kids, overturned on the kitchen floor.  Mom had been repainting before I stopped in for the sitting. After we barricaded the toddlers from the puddle of paint, and cleaned up we crashed in her family room and decided - this mommy work is tough…  But well worth it as you can see from the pictures of these adorable boys & girl.